Saturday, October 14, 2006


Weeklong of events.Just too much. But,I survived it.Work responsibilities increasing...good for me,supposed to be good for others.Don't know how others are taking it...if I say I don't care,it's not true.I do care.Sometimes,it's very interesting to watch ppl's behaviour.At work,some do compete with work load.I admit,me too...because I don't like to sit on the same ol thing for too long without moving on and given larger responsibilities.Unfortunately,others look with envy...and if I were in the other person's shoe..I would react the same.

Interesting huh? Some,compete for job title, some compete for salary package and I,compete for workload.

On a separate note:
May I go through today peacefully and confidently.May everything go smoothly and that I learn to be more attentive,careful and sensitive. Sometimes, I wonder,why do I get myself into this..but...I'm sure there's a reason to this and I am about to find out when I get home.


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