Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22 August 2007

Dear Blig,

Just thought of popping by. Woke up early this morning because I slept at 9 yesterday.Was really tired yesterday-- glad I had enough sleep!Looked at a place yesterday and it looks good. Hopefully we nailed this one!!

I'm so way behind schedulee man....I'm so freaking worried now.Yikes!
1)This second half of the year goes smoothlyyyyyy...
2)I stay calm!!!!
3)After this,it's true holiday!!
4)Count my blessings lerr.
5)Visit mrK, and I wanna go to Wbton in Nov-say my thks.
6)Play the pianoooooo..... study up Gd8 syllabus. Thx to my student for giving me the opportunity. Nxt yr, I wanna start teaching from home now. Yippe!!
7)Roof ooooooo

Ohh.I had Indonesian food yesterday - like nasi campur...woh,the chicken rendang is HOTTTT!! My tummy's burning now. Thx Fdl for bringing us there!!! Yippe!!!


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