Monday, October 23, 2006


Dear dear,

What have I done? What have I said? What should I do?

I have now become somewhat a writer mode rather than blogger mode. Irritating. What happened to my .. well, what happened to me? Perhaps, I have somewhat wanting some kind of 'privacy'..but what is there to hide anyway? My life 'used to be' an open book.

Mmm. .maybe this means growing up? Maybe this means growing old? Maybe this means, I need something else to occupy my mind before I bore myself out.

This goes to show that my thoughtflow is pretty crap right now. Totally. How to sort this out? Okay, lets just relax. ANd: Count my blessings.

1) People around me...all the time, all my life.
2) Healthy body.- Able to dance, bend, stretch, accommodate my frequent cravings for food...
3) The place where I am - activities waiting for me to participate in; people waiting for me to meet. ie, latin jazz last sat,friends coming friday.
4) Wonderful wonderful, excellent housemate that I have. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.... one who is able to tolerate my behaviour, mood swings, incessant chatters.... bouts of temporary insanity. Thanks for being my best friend and family.
5) My healthy family...



At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Privacy is always something we try to treasure... after all you don't want to whole world to read your life like a book. :)
And, remember, the biggest prejudice lies not in what other people tell us, but what we actually want to perceive things to be. ;)

At 11:57 PM, Blogger Songie said...

:) thoughts bit jumbled up lately.

But things are...fine. weird.


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