Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Something just crossed my mind just now.

One of my student I'm tutoring,took me by surprise when I gave her homework,only to see her hand in her homework with pages of internet downloads, and her typewritten homework on her "school laptop". Now,it all seems just-so-average, but for me, I'm simply amazed to find out that every student in her class,is required to rent a laptop from school for $1k p.a. And she has no ordinary looking laptop.It looks seriously crash-proof,the screen which turns 360 degrees and when closed,takes on as a tablet where she can just write onto the screen with the special "pen".Just like a palm pilot..just that it's much bigger.

I just looked at awe.In disbelief. Mouth agape, jaws, nearly dropping to the floor. LOL! Anyway- deep down,I wish the children in Msia are given such opportunity. Perhaps,this student of mine studies in an 'above-average' school, or a privileged school.... but $1k p.a, isn't much. It's equivalent to paying for mm....monthly tution fee ($80p.mth) Enroll one less tution, stay home with the internet and learn-it-yourself.(So,lacking nowadays..) LOL.



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