Sunday, November 26, 2006

That someone special

That someone special -

-Cares for you
-Cares for the ppl around you;especially those who means a lot to you
-Tries to understand..although most times,does not have a clue.Hint!women just has that moment of 'whinging'..seeking for attention,that's all. (It's pretty harmless,really)
-Tries to be there for you every second of the time,but,uknow,it's not possible.(That's when u say to yourself,'ah well,thanks,it's the thought that counts.'LOL!)
-Has flaws.You have to understand that 'it just comes in a package' (but before purchasing,make sure u get a good deal! ;)
-Values your capabilities and believes in you
-Encourages you when everyone else puts you down and tells you it's impossible
-Cooks,shares the workload,clean, wipe, wash....with no complaints!!!!

To that special someone in my life at a certain period of my life, at one point of time, to that special someone, I love you and thank you for accompanying me.Wonderful journey...


At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love u tooo... aarghh.. i miss all of my old friends and memories now at 2am in the morning :P is there someone special already in melb?? :D

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you can feel your heart going "kedebak kedebuk" right? :D

At 7:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now you can feel your heart going "kedebak kedebuk" right? :D

At 9:54 PM, Blogger cmeel said...

excellent 'guidelines' for anyone who'd like to be someone special to his/her someone special. ;)

*Hugs* :)

only someone with super duper extremely extremely goooooood karma can be that 'someone special' to Song :D ;) :)

At 11:54 PM, Blogger cmeel said...

Songie, u've been a someone special to me at countless times. Thanx!! :)

I'm sure Songie is someone special to many many many more ppl. :)

At 4:51 AM, Blogger Songie said...


haha..*lesbo in the making*


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