Sunday, August 07, 2005


48 hrs to go before submission of framework.
Words completed: 1500words - 2000 words
Key words:
Beethoven(1770-1827),Countess Erdody,Ghost DMajor&EFlat Major,Op.70.No.1 &2 Piano Trio,Napoleon and French revolution 1809,Haydn's death,Imperial Kapelmeister from His Royal Majesty of Westphalia,Deafness1801,Heiligenstadt Testament,Bonn&Vienna,mid Btv,Pastoral Symphony,Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein

Letter 195,To Baron Ignaz von Gleichenstein
"Please make the whole statement refer exclusively to the true practice of my art in a way that will suit me...The introduction states that I have been offered in Westphalia, that is to say, 600 gold ducats, and 150 gold ducats for travelling expenses, and that I shall have nothing to do but to conduct at the King's concerts, which are short and not very frequent -I am not even bound to conduct an opera of my own composition -It is clear from these conditions that I shall be able to devote myself wholly to the most important object of my art, namely, the composition of great works -and I shall have an orchestra at my disposal too.
NB. The title of member of a committee of the theatre should be omitted- it would only cause bad feeling- As to the Imprerial services, well, I think that this point must be dealth with tactfully - and certainly not so as to suggest that I am asking for the title of Imperial Kapellmeister- but purely with a view to being able, by means of an income paid by the Court, to relinquish the sum which these Lords are not going to pay me. I think that this point might best be expressed by saying that I hope, and that it is my most ardent desire, to enter the service of the Emperor, and that in this event I would immediately draw a smaller sum, namely ,smaller by the amount of the income which I should receive from His Imperial Majesty-
We must have the document at noon tomorrow, for we must then go to Kinsky- I hope to see you today." - Ludwig Van Beethoven


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