Friday, October 07, 2005

Good mood

Exceptionally good mood.Prolly coz 2 days holiday!!Yay!(Thurs,Fri)Essay going well,after meeting lecturer just now.
What has been happening?

Bible studies
A lady came one saturday to go through the bible with me.She is from Jehovah's Witnesses.Been busy weekends after that.So,don't think I can make time for more.

Language exchange
Had this Chinese girl(China),doing her Masters in Communication/mass comm/media studies or some sort.She tries to speak in english,while I try to learn to write in Chinese.Still,bz now,so,till next time when we have another round.

Salsa dance
Yap,didn't hear me wrong.I met up with this Phdguy from India and tried the salsa.He taught me a few steps.I like the dance but maybe next time,not this partner.He stood me up once and I dont' think we dance well together.

Wat else?Tutoring
I met up with this girl today,she needs help.Accounting tutor.She is so way behind her studies and it's exam soon.This is gonna be tough one but I look forward to a refresher in my accounts.Teaching,not music?But accounting.LOl!

I think I smell work for the weekend.Boss just called. awww. :/

Vietnamese family
Haven't met up with them yet. :( Due to work last weekend.Will meet them soon.

Think thats' it. I'm gonna bake today(muffin).Then, work on my essay,2k words in my pocket(lecturer approves chpt 1),I have 8K words still in reconstruction.Tomorrow work...??? ..... aww.. can I not?


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