Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Inspirational Quotes

Quotes my boss2 posts up in his place.His screensaver is "DISCIPLINE YOUR MIND"
Now,isn't that a jolt to me whenever I start to slack!

1)This will be my PLAQUE when I start teaching again:
" A bad pupil causes harm only to himself, a bad teacher ruins the career of thousands" -Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

2)The Price of Success
" To use all of your courage to force yourself to concentrate on the problems in hand, to think of it deeply and constantly, to study it from all angles and to plan accordingly. To have a high and stustained determination to put over what you plan to accomplish, but in spite of all adverse circumstances that will arise-and nothing worthwhile has ever been accomplished without some obstacles having been overcome. Remember that the man who never makes mistakes never makes anything. To refuse to believe that there are any circumstances sufficiently strong to defeat you in the accomplishment of your purpose. "Hard?" Of course it is hard - that is why so many men never attempt to acquire success, they remain in the rut and thread the paths that are for beaten men. Nothing worth while has ever been achieved without constant endeavour, some pain and constant application of your talents to achieve your ambition. That is the price of success as I see it, and I believe every man should ask himself -am I willing to endure the pain of this struggle for the comforts and rewards and the glory that go with achievement, or shall I accept the way and inadequate contentment; that comes with mediocrity?
Will you pay the price of success?"

3)Currently reading: The Life of Buddha, Prajnaparamita Sutta.
4)Will find out about: A.R. Rahman ,Alka Yag Nik, Sivamani-percussionist

5)Book: A Pictorial Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha;published in China

A Path to True Happiness
True Sincerity towards others
Purify the Mind within
Equality in everything we see
Proper Understanding of ourselves and our environment
Compassion in helping others in a wise and unconditional way

See Through to the truth of impermanence
Let Go of all wandering thoughts and attachments
Freedom of mind and spirit
Accord with conditions go along with the environment
Be mindful of Amitabha Buddha wishing to reach the Pure Land and follow in His Teachings
With bad advisors forever left behind,
from paths of evil he departs for eternity,
Soon to see the Buddha of Limitless Light
And perfect Samantabhadra's Supreme Vows.

To Supreme and endless blessings
of Samantabhradra's deeds,
I now universally transfer
May every living being, drowing and adrift,
Soon return to the Land of Limitless Light!

I vow that when my life approaches its end,
All obstructions will be swept away;
I will see Amitabha Buddha, And be born in his Land of Ultimate Bliss and Peace.

When reborn in the Western Land,
I will perfect and completely fulfill
without exception these Great Vows,
To delight and benefit all beings.

-The Vows of Samantabhadra Avatamsaka Sutra


At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sadhu! Sadhu! Sadhu!

Keep up in striking a balance in your studies-work-life-spirituality!

take care...


At 4:12 PM, Blogger Songie said...

I will try :)
Take care too,ML :)

At 5:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Mooncake Festival SOngie!

At 4:09 AM, Blogger Songie said...

Thank u! Happy Mooncake Festival2U2! :) :) :)


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