Friday, April 21, 2006


Listening to:David Foster

1)Cl's visit fr Adld.Talktalktalk...he says I talked non-stop.nyek!But I am so happy2b able to see a familiar face I know from Home. :) :) That kind of familiarity makes me wanna dance n sing!I really appreciate ----your thoughtfulness---

yknow, u don't know how important familiar ppl means to you until u don't see em' for a long long time. ie,family,siblings, friends,familiar food,familiar roads...nostalgic me? yea,perhaps. But,I can't help it. All things new don't excite me that much anymore.....

2)My last day of work will be on the 15th May.I have mixed emotions towards this.Partly happy,partly sad.Probably coz I'm really attached to all the lovely ppl I have met at work and they truely truely care for me.(not all,but those few..enough to move me to tears)4 months I've been in 15thMay-5 months!!wow.almost half a year. :) Today,the CEO wrote me a personal thank-u note for the 'small research' I did for him.But with this,I know my capabilities n I know I can do so much more for a's just the change that wears me down....but who can stop change?

3)fATter.I'm really fat now.Whenever I'm upset or anything,I just down it with food.Upsetting.Need to do something about this.

4)Pa's really happy,I'm really proud.He got GRAND PRIZE for karaoke!!!! waliao!He sings michael learns to rock even better than ' ..better than...those ppl in!

My mind is always jumping from one place to another.Worries about this n that n this n that.....I'm sometimes frustrated coz I cannot tone/tame it down.Lucky thing for blog.


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