Saturday, August 05, 2006

Another Sunday Post?

Wao,another week have passed!Lurvely.Means I'm doing something worthwhile with my time here on earth.Not idling away like noww....bloggin?lol.Going off soon to ARV's plc for our weekly meeting on resume writing/editing/job hunting.Sometimes,it gets pretty draggy but it keeps me focused.Resume on the way to a major reconstruction process.

Experiment:Instead of buying real durian,bought durian wafers to offer NL & colleagues.
Outcome:Immediate dislike,nausea & the looks of disgust!The whole packet is for me alone now.Not only that,I am only allowed to eat it when I am far away from any human beings.These weird ppl... lol!

Daily bus ride to work-v.nice!Able to exercise(cycle away while scolding myself for being LATE-again),sleep in the bus,daydream,listen to those schoolchildren's conversation(v.amusing),listen to the songs in my sis/dad's ipod,look at ppl & imagine their lifestyle,look at my own lifestyle(which occupies 90% of the journey)& the things I need to do.Bus ride home:hoping it wouldn't be the old bus,and that I won't have to sit 'backwards' because,I will end up feeling nausea & then,reach home with a headache. :(

About the comment on LORD

Lord,I pray to thee for the strength in me.Familiar?Hay!It rhymes.Lord,Lord Buddha,Lord=God(in the Christian context),Lord Krishna,Lord Vishnu(?),Allah(All thx to my bestfriends who instilled it in me since young),Kuan Yin Pusa,Meditators-ie,Ajahn Chah,Venereable YiFa,Venerable K.Sri Dhamananda,Mother Theresa,Said Baba,Laughing Buddha.I see qualities instead of names.And,I revere? respect & 'pray', if not, have special connection to all mentioned above.

On many occassions,I just think that they are the 'same'.(Apologize in advance for such ignorant statement)For me,it is just technical terms in different 'languages' but the same meaning.Definitely,I think of the Lord(don't ask me which one)-for strength & for the qualities which I lack so much in.

I've got friends who are 'actively' asking me to convert to Christianity because they see a 'potential' in me.Huh?Me? :) I appreciate the kind gestures and the nobleness in the request. And yes,I have had 'encounters' with The great power.Thing is;how do I know which one?

Thank you LORD.
:) End coment.


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Songie.

Try bringing in dried fish or cuttlefish in. The smell is always as bad as the durian! I remembered my team's expressions! One of the managers actually took the little fish in the plastic and nailed it to her workboard! LOL. Does make for interesting conversation.

Anyway girl, hope to see you in 6 weeks time. Let me know if you need me to bring stuff for me! K says hi to. Take care!

Luv, FM

At 2:31 AM, Blogger Songie said...

Dearie FM (&KM)I like the part where ur manager nailed the poor innocent fish to her workboard.LOL!!Interesting. Talk about 'respecting another person's culture & background'..not when food is of concern!

Look forward to meeting the two of you too!Been a long awaited meetup,eh,FM?A yr since we've last met.SEEYOU!!

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