Thursday, July 05, 2007


Best day.

As a reward for cleared papers- I got myself a digital piano today. Yea... A DIGITAL PIANO!!
can u believe it?? I can't! *rubs eyes few timess* yea. A digital piano. It hasn't arrived yet.I haven't even paid the full price yet. But i've paid a deposit. The sound is BEAAUUTIFUL.....

Finaly I got one!!! Although, nothing beats the REAL thing...but I'm working on it.(Hahhaha..literally WORKING on it!) I can spend hours on the piano noww.w.w.w.w.w.w.w.....from ...monday onwards..... I can finally breath! That's all I want. What more could I ask for? (HAHAH..of course, apart from - different 'stages' of pianos..) Also, apart from,-prolly be investing on a music software - which is gonna cost me a bomb too...but according to the guy,I get a discount!!! :)

Mmm..seriously.Now, what more could I ask for??!?!! I think, in my life, my life pursuit is, to purchase beaucitul pianos...!!! ...

Yesterday, it's so odd.
I dreamt of a very nice event
I dreamt that I had band practice and had heaps of clarinets lying about.As I used to do, started gathering all those students(juniors) and made them clear all theose instruments lying about towards the band room. Then, I had my saxaphone and was playing away -trying to show some students how to play them.I woke up remembering most of the event. Until now,I still have that comfy feeling when I did that gig and the feeling of being in band - like how I used to feel when I was 15. When music was my life...

Now, I have to make-do and compromise. I have to work my way. I have to earn a reason to enjoy music at a discounted level of sound quality. Well, that is all beginning to take shape. Ah!!! This IS heaven-sent!!!

Learning music is such an essential skill in life. . . . . .. am I gonna fall asleep tonight? I have been talking about this event since I stepped out of the shop!!!! and its midnight now. Calm down Song. The instrument will arrive soon....



At 5:13 PM, Blogger meiyin said...

u bought a digital piano already? thats fast:) then guitar now piano. wah....can party already lah...hahha

At 8:45 PM, Blogger feichai said...

Haha. Now all u need are singers. I volunteer myself as backup singer and meiyin as lead :P

At 11:12 PM, Blogger meiyin said...

meiyin as lead??? i see clouds all over melbourne...dark clouds..hahaha...

At 2:40 AM, Blogger Songie said...

hahahahah!! that's a good one!! ^-^
I can have a gig ANY TIME!!!

All I ask is- practice!!! :)

At 8:38 PM, Blogger feichai said...

Meiyin, dark clouds in Melb is a NORM. It's 4 seasons in a day anyways... hahaha

What? We don't need practise la.. we are naturals... natural at singing badly. Haha


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