Saturday, April 16, 2005

blog for fun

common sense
commercial sense
gut feeling
yin & yang
no answers?


At 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arahan cikgu Songie: Dengan perkataaan-perkataan di bawah, tulislah sebuah karangan mengikut citarasa anda.

Here goes:
My common sense tells me that things always go by a certain logic. Which is why I have developed a strong commercial sense whenever it comes to irrational advertisements telling me to follow my basic instincts. I have a gut feeling that I am about to have temporary bouts of insanity at the rate the advertisements are going. Sanity is necessary but not compulsory. Lilian Too says the world is balanced by a mixture of yin and yang elements but I still have some questions which I have yet to get the answers . What if I still have no answers at the end of the day? I suppose, there are some things which even words cannot explain.

How you like that? :P

At 6:52 AM, Blogger Songie said...

hahaha!!!!LOL!!This is amazing.

I especially relate to
"what if I still have no answers at the end of the day?I suppose,there are some things which even words cannot explain."

Beautiful entry.Not mine! ^-^


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